Hobor Documentation
HOBOR Diagram Usage
Data Availability
We provide two data sets to test the package hoboR
, one location from Southern Oregon from October to January, with recorded data every minute used to test the incidence of SOD in tanoek trees (Notholithocarpus densiflorus), and a partial calibration experiment to determine the variability of HOBO data loggers and apply a base correction.
HOBOR components
Function | Description | Features |
hobinder() | loads all CSV files | some columns in hobo files start at position 2, use skip=1 to skip col 1 |
hobocleaner() | clean duplicate entries | choose the format = “ymd” output from your HOBO |
hobomeans() | summarise the data by a time interval | you can select summariseby = “5 min”, “12 h” or “1 day” |
hoborange() | selects a reange of dates | choose existing dates within your hobo files start=”2022-06-04” and end=”2022-10-22” |
hobotime() | summarise time in minutes, hours or days | summariseby = “5 mins” or “24 h” |
impossiblevalues() | shows the maximum and minimum values | Select the number of rows to displya showrows = 3 |
sensorfailures() | detect the sensor failures and impossible values | select the conditional if values bigger than a threshold in the measurements of election condition = “>”, threshold = c(50, 3000, 101), opt = c(“Temp”, “Rain”, “Wetness”)) |
timestamp() | get a snapshot and plot the interval of your election for n days | timestamp(hobocleaned, stamp = “2022-08-05 00:01”, by = “24 hours”, days = 100, na.rm = TRUE, plot = T, var = “Temp”) |
horrelation() | display the correlation between variables | The data can be summariseby time and by means |
calibration() | collect the data frames and calculate the variability of respect to a base HOBO | this function require the columns of interest, and the times to collect the data for calibration |
correction.test() | use the result of the calibration procees to test the accuracy of the data logger | select the treshold difference for the measuremnt to test |
correction() | correct the experimental data using the weather variable of interest of the full dataset | useful for individual or multiple corrections |
testhobolist() | if calibration() or correction() do not compute, test the list of hobo dataframes | checks data viability |
samplingrates() | calculate the total of samples collected | custom function for Carson et al., 2024 |
sampling.trends() | summarises the weather data by sample collection | custom function for Carson et al., 2024 |
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